Horne Archery Ambidexterous Takedown Longbow

66" - 46# @ 28"
Horne Takedown Longbow - UsedHorne Takedown Longbow - Used - BackHorne Takedown Longbow - Used - ShelfHorne Takedown Longbow - Used - RiserHorne Takedown Longbow - Used - BoltsHorne Takedown Longbow - Used - Bolt CloseupHorne Takedown  Longbow - Used - Upper limb fiberglass damageHorne Takedown Longbow - Used -Lower limb fiberglass damageHorne Takedown Longbow - Used - Tip

Click for enlargement

- Fair Finish Condition:  Heavy handling wear but finish is largely intact

- Good Fiberglass Condition:  No stress or damage to glass, but small sealed glue gaps on bottom limb

- Bocote veneers over bamboo limbs

- Ambidextrous cocobolo riser

- Slim, low-wrist grip with roll-on rubber grip wrap

- Dyneema flemish string included







Tues. thru Fri. - 10am to 6pm EST

Saturday - 10am to 4pm EST

CLOSED Sunday and Monday

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Traditional Archery Supply
659 Bedford St. (Rt. 18)
Whitman, MA
02382 USA
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